Who We Are

This directory is provided as a service by Earthclick.net LLC, a small family owned Internet Service Provider (ISP) located at 725 E Whiteaker Ave, Cottage Grove OR 97424. We can be reached by phone at 541-942-7088 or toll free at 800-489-0354. We can be reached by email at support@earthclick.net. Our primary website is https://earthclick.net.

The Directory’s Purpose

We offer this directory as a community service. Anyone can enter their business in the directory while following these rules:

  • You should own or be associated with the business.
  • You agree to be responsible for the contents of your directory entry.
  • If the owner or manager of the business disputes your ownership, you understand that we (the website administrator) have the right to transfer update capability to the verified owner.
  • All data entered in the listing is accurate to the best of your knowledge.

Types of Directory Listings

Your directory listing must adhere to the following criteria:

  • We DO NOT allow links or directory entries to adult websites or adult businesses.
  • Brick and mortar businesses must be located within 15 miles of Cottage Grove. For example, businesses in Creswell or Drain are allowed, but businesses in Eugene are not. The exception to this is for businesses operating out of the area but owned by a Cottage Grove resident (zip code 97424)
  • Internet businesses must be owned by a local resident (zip code 97424). For example, if you operate an Etsy store and live in Cottage Grove, you can list it here. If you have customers in Cottage Grove but live in Creswell, you can NOT list your store here.
  • Earthclick.net is the one and only arbiter of the decision to allow or disallow any particular listing.

Creating and Claiming a Listing

Creating a listing: this requires that you “sign up” as a user. After that, you can click “Add Listing” and simply fill out the form displayed on your browser. Your listing will be “pending” until we review it. If we determine that your listing isn’t appropriate, is missing important details, or is inaccurate or incomplete, we will not approve your listing – we will either notify you of the issue or delete your listing.

Changing a listing: again, any changes to an existing listing flips it into “pending” mode. We will review it (again) and approve it or deny it.

Claiming a listing: Listings that you do not own or manage are kept in a “claimable” status — that is, the owner or manager can claim the listing. Claimable listings have a “Claim” badge on their detail page. The person claiming the listing must explain why they want to claim the listing (e.g. “I own this business” or a similar explanation). The more information you can provide, the better.

Governing Law and Intellectual Property considerations

Contents on this site are governed by the Laws of the United States, Oregon, Lane County Oregon, and the City of Cottage Grove. Posting images or text that is copyrighted by anyone other than you is prohibited unless you have permission. If we receive a DMCA notice regarding copyright infringement, we reserve the right to provide user information

Warranty disclaimer and limitation of liability

As a public directory, Earthclick.net is not responsible for inaccuracies, false or misleading statements contained in a listing. We will attempt to remedy the listing if notified of any issues. We do not warrant that the website will be available 365/24/7. We therefore limit our liability to any amounts paid for upgraded directory listings or advertising opportunities, not to exceed a prorated amount of a single year’s fee paid.

Free vs Paid Listings

At present, all listings are free. In the future, we may implement a “Paid” listing with enhanced content, including the ability to “feature” the business. If we implement paid listings, and if you agree to pay for your listing, a full refund will be available during the first two weeks in the directory. After that, no refund will be granted. To request a refund, send an email to support@earthclick.net and provide a reason for your request.

Sharing Information with Third Parties

We do not share information about listings, users, or listing owners with third parties unless we are complying with a subpoena issued by a law enforcement agency or other legally authorized entity. We will provide information to a legitimate requestor if notified that a listing has infringed on copyright (e.g. DMCA notice).

Effective Date of this notice

These Terms and Conditions are effective 2/1/2023 and can be changed at any time and without prior notice.